Archive | November, 2021

A Quickie about Russ Meyer

17 Nov

Miss Meyer

This was originally written as an assignment when I was studying Film and Journalism at University over 12 years ago, and was one of the first things I posted on this blog 10 years ago. As I’ve decided to re-organise this blog into more of a Russ Meyer-centric hub of information I thought I’d re-blog this as it serves as a very basic and brief overview of Meyer, whether one needs a little refresher on him or is completely new to this blog or the man himself. 



Russ Meyer is a lot like marmite. You either accept him at face value, appreciating his filmography for what it is, or you loathe him, and fail to see any cinematic worth in his work. Dubbed ‘The King of the Nudies’ by the Press, Meyer had a prolific career in independent cinema. Using his previous experience as a Pin Up and Army…

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Don’t Call It A Comeback…

4 Nov

Dear readers, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Firstly, thank you to all my loyal readers, frequent fliers and all the odd fans who continue to stumble upon this blog and have come back to it over and over again. Many of you get in touch with me and send messages regarding the wonderful world of Russ Meyer, so I guess its about time I post an update…

Truth is, this baby of mine has been hidden away at the back of my mind for quite a while now. A few years ago I had a very bad breakdown (maybe one day I’ll write something about it) and, whether or not I wanted them to, my priorities had to change, which explains the long radio silence from myself on this platform. But instead of dying a lonely death as I thought it would, I’ve found that over the past four years my baby is still going strong, continuing to get daily visitors, continuing to get shared and all sorts of people continuing to get in touch with me.

So I think it’s about time that we got a little more active on here again. I’m going to play around with the entire blog and slowly over time bring it back up to scratch. My hope is to reorganise, restructure and reimagine it as the Russ Meyer information Hub that I always secretly hoped it could be. Please bear with me as I archive old posts, come back and revisit my favourites, and hopefully write some new articles. As I’ve always said any feedback is appreciated and if you have any suggestions of what you’d like me to write about or just generally want to get in touch then please do so. You can get in touch by leaving a comment below, through my twitter or my email if you have it! I look forward to hearing from you.

To end, I’d like to announce that I would love to bring back ‘Meyer Month’ next March to celebrate what would be Russ’s 100th birthday. If you would like to participate and write a contribution then please get in touch. It can be on any topic, and take any viewpoint you wish, so long as it is related to the man himself. Previous contributions have included film reviews, retrospectives, pictorials, personal stories and articles on everything from soundtracks, to editing, to costumes. I hope that some of you will be interested.

Looking forward to seeing you again on here soon,

All my love,

Lydia, aka Miss Meyer